Augmented Reality Glasses in 2020 by Apple

Augmented Reality Glasses and Mac ARM at Apple 2020


      In a report released Monday morning, Apple plans to re-launch its long-awaited Augmented-Reality AR smart glasses and Mac ARM in 2020.

     Fuelling an impressive amount of rumors, Apple's potential Augmented Reality AR glasses are expected to be released in 2020. 

     It's all set to happen next year, according to Mark Gurman, an Apple journalist on Bloomberg's website, a prediction that echoes Ming Chu-Kuo's prediction made last March.

     After several sleep cycles, 2020 looks like a good year for consumer gadgets. As fifth-generation wireless networks gradually proliferate, Big Tech will be preparing devices capable of taking advantage of their faster speeds.

Augmented Reality gets stronger with new consumer gadgets

     The coming year will be crucial for Apple Inc. Consumers expect the deployment of their most impressive hardware to take place sometime in the future: the first major upgrade of the iPhone is expected in 2017, including support for 5G, a much stronger processor and a rear-facing 3D camera.

     The latter will give the phone a better idea of its position in physical space, improving the accuracy of object placement in augmented reality applications, which superimpose virtual images on the real world. This could help users model, for example, the location of images on their walls.

     Such applications are at the heart of Apple's long-awaited AR lenses, which are expected to feature holographic displays. Apple has targeted 2020 for the release of its AR headset, an attempt to succeed where Google Glass failed years ago.

     The glasses are supposed to sync with the wearer's iPhone to display items such as text, email, maps and games in the user's field of vision.

     The company considered including an "augmented-reality-apps" App Store with the headset, as is the case with Apple TV and Apple Watch broadcast devices. 

     Experts in graphics and game development are being called in to establish the glasses as a leader in a new product category and, if all goes well, a potential successor to the iPhone.

     Among the hypotheses put forward is the possibility of associating the glasses with an iPhone so that notifications are displayed superimposed on the presumed holographic tiles. 

     Following a route calculated from Maps (or Google Maps) could also be part of the information that could be used by the glasses. Of course, games specially developed for the glasses would also be on the menu.

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     However, considering the stakes that RA represents for Apple, Cupertino could very well take even more time to perfect this product. 

     As a reminder, other tech giants such as Samsung, Amazon, and Facebook have openly embarked on the reconquest of the glasses 2.0 market, a path opened by Google and its Glass.

     Now entirely devoted to the professional world due to a lack of success in the general public sphere, a lack of interest that can be explained by an inconclusive range of applications and unconquered consumers. 

     A lack of fervor which is mainly explained by the exorbitant price of the Glasses.

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